Friday, June 17, 2016




"Thanks for your enthusiasm! 

We could definitely use your help and would 

love to work with you towards sustainability"   

8:00 am  a delicious an healthy  breakfast

9:00 am to 13:00 Pm volunteer work

Volunteers work 4½ hours in the morning on different activities, depending on your skills and our necessities at the time. Some of the possible activities are: organic farming, eco-building, eco-tourism, helping the vegetarian / vegan restaurant, gardening, art, filming, teaching in our rural school (in case of longer stay), teaching English to members community, etc. 

          13:00 to 14:00 Lunch

           14:00 to 18:00 Complementary activities 

If you stay for more than two weeks, you will have a day off to rest and relax on Sundays.
You will be sure to discover new skills with your stay as well as connect with nature, meet people from all over the world and learn about life in the village.

What to do in your free time:

In the afternoon you can participate in the activities of the Eco Village: Hatha Yoga and relaxation, meditation with Tibetan bowls, music therapy with oriental instruments, Pranayama workshop, nature walks, bonfires and films on a projector, etc. 

I don’t want to pay a donation/ Why do I pay a donation?

We ask all volunteers to contribute a small donation to the village because we are a monastic community and we do not generate any outside income. The donations go towards covering the cost of your stay including food and materials. Varsana does not profit from any of the donations, but they do help to support our way of life allowing volunteers to come and stay with us and experience time at our eco-village.


Food and accommodation:

We provide volunteers with comfortable accommodation in female or male dorms which include linen, hot water, and wifi. There is also a cozy common area for you to relax and chat with other volunteers.
You will receive three delicious vegetarian and/or meals a day during your stay.

Basic rules:
We ask volunteers not to bring any alcohol, drugs, meat or eggs to Varsana and to abstain from any sexual activities during their stay.

How to arrive:
Catch a bus from any of the main bus terminals in Bogota to Granada Cundinamarca.
*Beware that there is a second Granada (Meta) which is located farther, and is not the correct town!*
Currently, the bus ticket should cost you less than 10.000 COP.
The trip should take less than one hour. When you get on the bus, tell the driver that you’re going to Varsana Eco Aldea or Yoga Farm. They should let you off about 500 m after the second BIOMAX petrol station, opposite the road to Granada. You will see a sign on the right that says ‘Varsana Yoga Monasterio’. 

We hope see you soon!!!

More information:

(057) 321 453 82 42 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015


Enjoy the opportunity to learn how to cook vegetarian food, a way of saving the planet and our own life.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Here what's happening at Varsana This week:


Ayurfitosan es un espacio que trabaja la sanación con más de 30 años de experiencia a partir de métodos naturales. Usando una metodología que no causa alteraciones en el orden establecido por la madre naturaleza. Busca poder prestar un servicio a la humanidad a partir del reconocimiento del cuerpo como instrumento al servicio del creador de toda esta gran naturaleza.

Ayurfitosan propone el uso de plantas medicinales como remedio y se basa en los principios del Ayurveda (la ciencia de la duración de la vida), sistema médico que recomienda el uso de plantas medicinales, las cuales conforman la terapéutica fundamental de esta ciencia médica considerada la más antigua que se conoce. El uso de plantas medicinales:
  • Incrementan de forma natural los fluidos digestivos sin provocar los efectos secundarios de los remedios químicos.
  • Equilibran y rejuvenecen el organismo reduciendo su susceptibilidad y reforzando su inmunidad, para evitar que las enfermedades se desarrollen.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Quiénes somos, de dónde venimos 
y para donde vamos ...

Talleres para el auto-conocimiento, reconocimiento de nuestra misión y significado de nuestra vida mediante trabajos artísticos. 

 La OIDA TERAPIA, se desarrolla en el marco de la Psicologia Perrenne  cuyo objetivo es lograr que los seres humanos seamos felices, equilibrados, amorosos y saludables a través del encuentro con nuestra fe sanadora. 

La OIDA TERAPIA promueve el cultivo de la fe, sin ninguna retención de exclusividad institucionalización o dogmatismo abriendo una nueva realidad de lo posible en el fenómeno de la y las diversas tradiciones místicas.